Professional Teacher Training for Industrial Digitalization

  • #IIOS 4.0

1. Professional Teacher Training Program for Industrial Digitalization

The primary mission of the training program is to enhance the sustainable professional development of core faculty members at schools. Guided by the principles of broadening horizons, improving literacy, and increasing capabilities, the program is founded on an academic basis, emphasizes practical application, focuses on real-world issues, and aims to contribute to society. With the philosophy of nurturing educators who are socially aware and capable of imparting mainstream societal values and leading academic culture, the program strives to ensure that every core teacher, on top of having good personal qualities and professional qualities, further expands their perspectives and innovative thinking. They will master modern educational methods and skills, and become outstanding educators who are committed to the comprehensive development of society.



2. Industrial Digitalization Training Base
Leveraging its extensive industrial experience, ROOTCLOUD takes the lead in developing training courses for the development of educators in industrial digitalization. Beyond enhancing the training and skills of the faculty, ROOTCLOUD capitalizes on the regional strengths and influence of the academy to establish a joint industry-academia training base for industrial IoT educators. This training team, composed of corporate technical engineers, course lecturers, and core faculty members, provides professional training services to the community. In doing so, ROOTCLOUD aims to bolster the teaching staff capabilities not only within the region but also across the nation for similar programs at peer institutions, maximizing the outcomes of the new industrial IoT major's development.



3.Social Training Services
To help fulfill the vocational colleges' obligation to carry out skill training and to leverage the technical strengths of both full-time and part-time faculty, ROOTCLOUD actively empowers vocational colleges to conduct a variety of vocational skill training programs related to industrial digital technology and skills for social personnel, enhancing colleges' ability to serve the community. At the same time, drawing on industrial digital application cases and experience, ROOTCLOUD develops specialized technical training courses. It provides industrial IoT-related technical training services for social personnel, on-the-job technical staff of enterprises, and management personnel. In collaboration with the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and related units, it supports the re-employment and vocational training of social personnel, as well as the training of urgently needed talents in emerging industries. This effort aims to meet the talent needs for foundational positions such as data collection and system operation and maintenance, which are required for industrial upgrading.



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